In March 2021, Greensill filed for Chapter 11 in the US, formally ending its tenure as a key funder of SCF programmes. The March clash came as a shock for many, raising questions about transparency and governance in the SCF industry.
As SCF Community, we have worked hard since then to provide the clearest possible view of the current level of transparency in the SCF market. To do so, we have analysed disclosures in annual reports from large buyers around the world, analysing information provided and matching them with public information about their programmes.
What comes out is a picture of a growing market, with more and more buyers active in promoting SCF towards their suppliers. A market in which pressure from regulators and stakeholders increase the overall level of transparency. However, it is also a market in which transparency is far from being the standard, and in which 'proper' disclosure of SCF programmes is far from being the norm.
We are now ready to publish our results. As a first step, will discuss them at an event, privately organised for our community. Invited partners of the SCF Community will join this provider-only event on March 24th, 16.00 to 17.00 CET, to privately discuss our results, pitch their viewpoint and discuss the future of transparency in the SCF industry.
Did you receive an invitation to join (with a code)? Then please register. Would you like to attend but have not received an invitation? Email us at
Please Note: This is an INVITE-ONLY Event.